Healing Past Lives with Reiki – Part 2
For Part 1 of this post Click HERE Procedure: Healing Past Lives with Reiki During any session of Healing Past Lives with Reiki, visions from the previous incarnation are an…
For Part 1 of this post Click HERE Procedure: Healing Past Lives with Reiki During any session of Healing Past Lives with Reiki, visions from the previous incarnation are an…
We can use Reiki to clear the emotional baggage gathered during one's life. When things in your life aren't going well with similar patterns recurring, Reiki helps you removing the…
Sending Reiki to Heal the Past is something that many of us may be skeptical about. After all, how can anything in the past life have any bearing on our…
PLRH or Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy has a major role to play in finding out the blocks hindering your development. It helps the therapist to gain knowledge inferred from within…
Are you Imagining or dreaming? There is a subtle difference between the two. Dreams are flashes of what we can loosely term as imagery. It is some fringe thought- often…
Developing your Instincts: How to Train your Intuition Instinct or intuition is the capability of having a flash of knowledge of a certain event even before it has happened. Simply…
Deep breathing is a proven method for achieving complete relaxation. It is also the best way to start a self-hypnosis session. Our normal breathing is generally shallow and therefore it…