Location: aligned with the centre of your chest.
Governs: body’s immunity.
Main issue: Ability to feel unconditional love and self-acceptance
Externalizes: The thymus gland.
Main Element: Air, Nature
Balanced: feel compassionate.
Colour: GREEN.
Keywords: serenity, intimacy, healing, ecstasy, nurturing, joy, grief, forgiveness, and balance.
Influences: heart, lungs, breasts, diaphragm, blood vessels, ribs, thoracic spine, arms and hands.
Its Deficiencies: manifest feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, jealousy, loneliness, and anxiety.
Symptoms: Shallow respiration
Excesses: manifests as co-dependent relationships where we lose our centre.
Imbalances: manifests as asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, pneumonia, emphysema, palpitations, hypertension, heart attacks, allergies, immune deficiencies and diseases.

The Crown chakra connects us with the Cosmos (masculine), and the base or the Root Chakra connects us with the Earth (feminine). The heart chakra is the centermost of the seven chakras and is the switch that enables us to fully manifest the totality of the divine energy. It is the portal that helps us synergize the divine source. This chakra gives us the experience of ecstasy when fully balanced.
This Chakra affects compassion, and you can feel the energy in a natural manner. Everyone has experienced its ups and downs whenever there is a breakup of a relationship or the end of a dream. You can feel the emotional pain in the chest— metamorphically known as “a broken heart.”
Most of us believe that the scarcity of love generates such feelings and often resultant in offensive-defensive behaviours.
Contrarily, when your heart centre is adequately open, such feelings and behaviours wither away as we realize that a lack of love is near impossible! After all, love and compassion is a natural state and the more we give, the more of it we get back. It is an unending spiral.
THE HEART CHAKRA: Effects at the Physical Level
The Heart Chakra interfaces with the thymus, the endocrine gland located at the sternum level. This is the master control of our immune system. It secretes thymosin and thymopoetin, which stimulate the white blood cells giving them the ability to protect against infections.
It affects the entire immune system which includes the spleen, the lymph nodes, and the bone marrow, which is the origin of RBC (red blood cells) and WBC (white blood cells.)
The total number of WBC indicates the health of the immune function. A high number indicates an acute infection while an abnormally low number indicates immune suppression.
The neutrophils give us the defence against bacteria, while the Lymphocytes, are essential in our body’s defence against viruses. The Lymphocytes preserve the consciousness of our exposure to diseases in the past. They are divided into T cells (for thymus) and B cells. The T cells respond to the antigens. The B cells on the other end produce antibodies called immunoglobulins. These Antibodies target the antigens to be eliminated. Activities that balance the heart chakra therefore also regulate the immune system.

Breath is the key to opening the Heart Chakra.
It energizes our body, clears up our emotions, increases mental clarity and allows us to access the expanded states of consciousness. Many spiritual traditions equate the breath to the universal life force.
It is called chi or qi by the Taoists, “Prana” in the Hindu traditions, and “Mana” by the Hawaiians.
Conscious breathing exercises are therefore a vehicle that transforms us and helps us enter the state of bliss and ecstasy.
FREE CHAKRA BALANCING – If you wish to avail this offer please click HERE