What do you understand by the term Reiki Master?
To most people, it signifies a certain level of achievement of a person who teaches and heals using Reiki.
Even many Reiki practitioners think that it is a method of healing and an easy source of income.
To me, being a Reiki Master is much more than this. It is a great responsibility that the universe bestows upon you.
How many Reiki petitioners are even aware of the Responsibilities of a Reiki Master?
How many practice them?
Most don’t even teach the students during their training. This results in the entire lineage being deprived of this knowledge.
Responsibilities of a Reiki Master
There are essentially three Responsibilities of a Reiki Master.
1. The Responsibility to Self.
As a Reiki practitioner you should never stop growing by nurturing your skills, and develop continuously from within.
You must continue to remove all negativity from your life, which is not an easy task as you come across many activities and events that create negative energy around and within you.
It is important to let go of all negative thoughts energies, beliefs, and actions. This comes when you live by the Principles of Reiki as taught in the first level.
Regular practice is essential to bring you to a state where you can go further on this path holistic path and be a responsible Reiki practitioner.
2. Responsibility is to those who come to you for Reiki.

Your behavior, sincerity, honesty, and values rub off on them during the Attunement. Therefore teaching the right values is very important. This also includes the attitude and effort that you put in when you carry out your healing sessions.
Being transparent and explaining everything is a part of the responsibilities of a Reiki Master. You should ensure that they go back fully satisfied and in a positive frame of mind. You should also provide continuous support as long as they need after the training and healing sessions.

3. Responsibility towards the environment.
This is the third and the most important of the responsibilities of a Reiki master.
It includes sending Reiki to all living and nonliving things that sustain our very existence on the planet!
Your love should flow unconditionally towards all the creatures and all the creations of the universe.
You should not refuse anyone who seeks your assistance and help for any reason.
A Reiki Master should follow all the Principles of Reiki and earn their living graciously. They should develop a sense of service to all. Finally, they should never lose sight that they are merely conduits chosen by the creator to perform this holistic duty.
It is essential that they consciously keep their ego under check and work honestly with a sense of respect for their teachers, elders, and spiritual guides.
About Dr. Prakash
Hello, I am Dr. Prakash. I am fully committed to empowering all those who wish to achieve holistic health and wellness to bring positive changes in their lives.
In case you wish any of my services feel free to contact me HERE