There is a lot of controversy about Reiki charges or the “exchange”. Far too many people are in the Reiki “Business” as they themselves call it.
What a way to describe Reiki (or practice it)?
Is Reiki a business?
A resounding NO!!!!!
This is a beautiful gift of the creator.
Yet at the same time, Reiki masters down the ages have talked of Reiki Charges or “exchange,” that is, something in return; and the purpose of return is just one – not to put the person receiving Reiki attunement or healing in karmic debt.
Those who practice Reiki will definitely get much more from the abundance that exists and need not even ask for any monitory gain.
Hence, based upon the services rendered by Mikao Usui, I formulated what I like to term as “The Principle of Exchange”
I summarise it as under –
- It should be as per the capacity of the person giving and not put him or his family in any pressure or trauma
- It should be as per basic requirements only, not to get rich!
- Reiki is given freely; hence monitory value assigned should only be an indicator. A Reiki practitioner should accept much less too with grace and blessings.
- Money should NOT be the only way for exchange. Bartering can be a valid method. There are many other ways of giving books, cards, homemade food, handmade knitted items, etc.
- One can also give what they can easily or provide a service eg – by way of website development, giving an internet review or by word of mouth referral.
The only catch- both must feel comfortable and be honest about what they exchange.
All those refusing healing and training because a person cannot pay should read this again