Unknown to many practitioners, you can very effectively Use Reiki for Manifestation of your desires.

Steps to Use Use Reiki for Manifestation
- Clarity of Thought – You may be surprised to know that many of us are not very clear about what we want. Therefore the first step is to have a clear thought about what exactly you desire.
- Develop Unwavering focus – This is the most difficult step, and here is where your knowledge and experience of Reiki comes in! Reiki helps in focusing and visualizing your desires manifest.
- Any other Meditation will also do – You need not restrict yourself and only use Use Reiki for Manifestation. It can be by any other method of meditation too.
- Setting the Intention – Make your intentions clearly and word them in the present tense. Include them clearly during the prayer, and watch them fructify fastest!
- Choosing your words carefully- The wording of the intent during the Reiki procedure that follows after AOG (Attitude of Gratitude) is very important. Remember to make the intention as if it has already started happening now! View it with precision and assurance.
- Channelize and Use Reiki for Manifestation – Send Reiki into the universe and visualise receiving the blessings in the form of your desires “happening right now.”
- Do not be impatient – Practice regularly with complete confidence. You will see the signs appear gradually as your desires start to take shape the way you want.

For more details and full practice you can read THIS BOOK
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