Location: top of the head (the crown)
Colour: VIOLET.
Shape: A Lotus with thousand petals
Function: Controls the central nervous system (CNS) and integrates all our endocrine glands.
Improves our understanding by creating a channel with the divine
Direct actions:
- Stimulates and balances the pituitary and the hypothalamus gland.
- Boosts our awareness, memory, universal mind, cosmic consciousness leads to spiritual growth,
- Connects the soul with the celestial mind.
The Sanskrit name Sahasrara translates into “thousand-petaled lotus”
This Chakra affects our entire existence. It directly stimulates our consciousness which increases our awareness and guides us to our purpose in life. We start to comprehend the cosmos in a better manner and understanding. The Universe around us becomes a complete, intelligent entity of which we are just a minor part. The intelligence of the Universe permeates everything.
Our purpose in life is to connect our spirit and spiritualize matter in the Universe. Our crown centre is where we perceive the reality as we wish, and the heart centre manifests it. Hence we must balance the crown chakra to remove the layers of fog from our perception.
The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra also orchestrates the hormonal symphony in our body. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are the endocrine glands interface directly with this chakra. These two glands along with the pineal gland affect the hormonal balance of our entire body.
The Mechanism
The hypothalamus receives and integrates the complex signals between the brain and the rest of your body and coordinates the effects of your thoughts and emotions on the endocrine and immune systems.
This influence our appetite, sexual behaviour, thirst, hunger, emotional responses and other day-to-day functions.
The hypothalamus connects to the pituitary gland by a thin stalk through which it transmits signals and transports the “hormone-releasing agents” that stimulate or inhibit the hormones secreted in the pituitary gland.
The majority of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland specifically regulate only one endocrine gland. The other hormones control distinct functions, such as the secretion of breast milk, uterine contractions during labour, keeping the body’s water in balance, etc.
Importance of Crown Chakra in Growth and Protection
One of the important hormones secreted by the pituitary gland is the Growth Hormone (GH), which has a profound effect on the body as it stimulates bodily growth throughout life.
Even after we have reached adulthood, the GH continues to function as it protects the nerve cells against degenerative diseases, counters fatigue, maintains bone density, boosts immunity, reduces fat, increases lean muscle mass, and enhances psychological well being. This is why we see GH replacement gaining popularity as an effective rejuvenation therapy.
Balancing your THE Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra ensures optimal GH release and balances the secretion of all hormones in your body.