My Prosperity Change Has Finally Come –
Eternal Gratitude to Grandmaster Dr. Prakash, for allowing me to be attuned to the Midas Star symbol. Just before the attunement, I felt a rush of energy so strong, I became “heady”. In that moment, I knew the attunement was moving forth. During the attunement, I was in so much peace, that I meditated. My hands began to tingle and more energy washed over me. I was in a meditative state for half and hour. I did not want to come out of it!
Grandmaster Dr. Prakash, I thank you, and the Universe is thanking you, for helping to change my level of prosperity. I have people that need financial assistance and healing; and now I will be able to bring about positive changes in their lives, too.
I am eternally grateful.
Janice Chambers, CA, USA