GUEST ARTICLE: By S. Chaudhary

Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki may sound odd to some, but the effects Reiki can have in your life a phenomenal. Let me narrate my journey and personal experiences on this holistic path.
My Early Tryst with Anxiety
One fine morning back in 2008, I woke up with a sudden fear that I would disappoint my classmates if I scored more marks than them. This baseless thought clung to my mind like glue and continued to hover the entire day.
The next morning when I appeared in my board examinations, I experienced a sudden excruciating pain in my tummy. I had no idea what brought it about. It continued for the next ten days till the last of my board exams were over, and gradually, it subsided thereafter.
The same thing happened again during my 12th board; and I had the same baseless thoughts. I had no clue as to what this pain meant. All my medical reports seemed normal too. Putting up with it, somehow I managed to appear and score 92 percent marks with the support of my parents.
One evening, I landed up at a psychiatrist’s after my hostel senior asked me to consult a psychologist as this pain and the thoughts might be mind-related issues. And finally, I knew my pain had a name!
Yes, it is OCD, also known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. A term used for baseless thoughts due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Such baseless thoughts produce gastric juices and it leads to more anxiety which was instrumental in creating a hell lot of pain in the stomach and the back.
My Initial Treatment

The doctor prescribed medicines and assured me that I would be fine.
She told me to remember the golden line, “Man ke hare har ha, man ke jeete jeet (if you think of losing you will lose and if you think of winning, so shall you), i.e. everything is in the mind.
I decided I would not consider going out of my home state for further studies and would rather stay at a place a few km away from my home. So I did.
The next few months were busy taking coaching, attending colleges, brisk walks, attending classes for good communication, tutoring students in my free time. I hardly had time to even think of any baseless thought. Yes, that was perhaps the first step in overcoming OCD!
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. I never left my mind idle and made it to work continuously. The medicines were doing their work well. I visited the doctor regularly where she always said that one day I would achieve my dream and never need the medicines again. She was the best counselor I had. I had huge support from my parents too.
After one year I did not need the medicine again.
Or so I thought!
The Recurrence!

Three years later, as I sat for a national-level competitive exam, the anxiety and fear cropped in again. I felt extreme pain and Yes, I failed in the exam!
I wept and wept. To my solace, my mother, who was the only one to witness my anxiety-related OCD since I was 16, supported me throughout, and, on her insistence, we moved to Delhi.
This was the time Reiki and Pranic healing made an entry into my life
I started my medication again. However, this time around an introduction to Reiki gurus like Reiki Grandmaster Dr. Prakash, and Dr. Lavina Gupta, turned my life around. Under their guidance, I began Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki meditation and chakras balancing.
Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki meditation
Now it looks as no surprise that Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki meditation has been the turning point in my life. I can say so with full conviction because –
- Reiki and Pranic healing helped me a lot in dealing with my anxiety. Also, yoga and meditation helped.
- Reiki helped me to be happier and at peace. It helped me understand that my competition is with me, not with anyone else.
- I realized that balancing my chakras, and my energy aura will work out for my highest good.
- I cleared my first all-India exams where I got the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police.
I always remember what my mother told me – when you are happy within your heart you can clear anything you want. Being stressed will even make you forego what you have.
Other Factors
Of course, there were also other factors that I incorporated while Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki meditation. Notable among them were –
- I studied a lot but this time without any stress.
- Having good food, juice, and eating healthy, taking fresh air, making friends, strolling in the park.
- Meditation, yoga, and Pranayam help in reducing stress to a large extent.
- Yes, good food and healthy living is a way to overcome OCD. I am also blessed to have such a supportive family, my Reiki gurus, and good friends.
I worked hard to secure an All India Rank of 78 and secure a decent job in Central Government.
I do get panic attacks sometimes, maybe once in a year or twice in three months due to some unknown fears or baseless thoughts. But I write down my thoughts, I explain myself and I heal myself. I don’t need any medications. I deal with my anxiety if and when it crops.
In Conclusion
To those who have ever been diagnosed with OCD, know that you will be fine. Healing Anxiety and OCD with Reiki meditation is a perfectly safe and viable option. You can also adopt a positive approach and lead a holistic life to heal yourself.
Penning down your thoughts, explaining to yourself that your thoughts are baseless, and the anxiety will subside away. By programming your subconscious mind, you can heal it and direct it to achieving what you want. Intake of sufficient water and juice helps in clearing and detoxification of the body. Meditate, make yourself busy, practice Reiki, and most importantly stay happy.
Always remember, everything is in the mind & you are the only one to train your mind.”Man ke hare haar hai, man ke jeete jeet”
Aur hume ek hi Zindagi mili hai, Hume isme khush rehte hue jeetna hai.
(If you think of losing you will lose and if you think of winning, so shall you. And we all have one life only; make the most of it by winning in what you try).
About the author S Chaudhary:
S Choudhary is one of Reiki Grandmaster Dr. Prakash’s most sincere students who has achieved remarkable success on the personal and professional fronts. This is a real-life narration about overcoming her problems of anxiety and OCD by adopting the holistic path of spiritual development.