Karishma, Singapore

I came to know about Dr. Prakash Ramchandani quite providentially 3 weeks ago.

At that time, I was in a very low place emotionally and spiritually. I was confused and unhappy. I knew meditation was a way out but could not even start. I had lost touch with my Reiki practice, initiated 10 years ago, with another master. Dr. Ramchandani so graciously offered to do long distance healing for me for 3 days and then one long session on Skype, where he took me through the whole reiki meditation and aura cleansing again. I must mention here that 3 days into his Reiki healing, I synchronistically got in touch with a meditation group that had started a 21-day meditation program. This coincided with the 21 days that Dr. Prakash advised me to do reiki self-healing to restart my Reiki practice.

When before, I never got the energy or willpower to do anything, today I have successfully been doing both the Reiki self-healing and meditation 21 days in a row! I truly believe it is because of all the positive energy that Dr. Prakash channeled to me.

After all this effort and time, he refused to accept any financial reward and only requested I make a donation to a place of worship on his behalf! How many people can we meet that give so selflessly of their time, energy, knowledge, and resources? I am grateful to my reiki angels and masters for putting me in touch with Dr. Prakash and back on the reiki and meditation path!

Thank you so much, Dr. Prakash…the world needs more of you!